Wednesdays from 5:00–7:00 pm during the school year.
Each week, the children enjoy games, scripture, crafts, music, mission activities, and dinner together. We learn about God’s love, how to follow Jesus, and how to serve our neighbors, through lessons such as The Lord’s Prayer, Fruits of the Spirit, Beatitudes and important people of the Bible. Friends are always welcomed! |
Sundays 4:30 – 6:30 pm during the school year.
This fun group meets for fellowship time, games, lesson, and dinner together at HPC.. Each week, we spend time with God, with friends, and explore how to be a Christian in our daily lives. We explore questions such as how to be a good friend, how can I learn to follow Jesus, what can I do to serve my neighbor and my church, what do I believe? Our year culminates in a 4 day mission trip to the Sandusky Presbyterian Outreach Center. Friends are always welcomed! |
Sundays 6:00 - 8:00 pm during the school year
Our senior high youth, 9th – 12th grade, participate in Youth Group on Sunday evenings during the school year. The meetings include dinner, games, educational lessons that deepen their faith, and weekly highs and lows ending in prayer time. Besides the weekly meetings, they have fun by participating in mission opportunities, festive outings, and weekend retreats. We encourage an inter-generational approach which includes members of all ages supporting the youth group as advisors and volunteers. Many of our senior high youth serve a one year term as a Youth Elder or Youth Deacon. |
Advent Café is a wonderful intergenerational HPC tradition. As we enter Advent and prepare for the Christmas season, we gather as a congregational family for food, fun, and fellowship! Enjoy a tasty breakfast prepared by HPC Chefs, create an Advent craft, and hear music from our some of our talented church musicians.
Journey to Bethlehem is an annual event, open to the community where visitors can experience the sights, sounds, culture and events of the first Christmas. This is a free, interactive, intergenerational event that transports visitors to Bethlehem on the night that Jesus was born.
Lead by shepherds, guests can enjoy a 45 minute walking tour through the church and grounds that includes 7 different stops along the Journey to Bethlehem. There are sights and sounds for all ages: a live nativity, beautiful music by the Little Miami Select Women's Chorale, dance, an entertaining puppet show, a tableaux drama. Meet the innkeeper, and shepherds. Hear the angels sing, and talk to the Wise men. |
Children in preschool – 3rd Grade, and their parents are invited to an event filled with crafts, games, snack, decorating Easter eggs, and hearing the Easter Story. This Easter event is prepared especially for young children to learn the importance of Easter, as we learn in scripture. This is a free event that is open to all.
VBS at Heritage is always a week filled with excitement, energy, learning, and experiencing God’s love. Led by an amazing group of faithful adults and teenagers, our VBS children enjoy a week of Bible lessons, fabulous praise music, great games, crafts, science experiments, and snacks. Mission is a big part of Heritage VBS. Each year we collect school supplies and backpacks for children in the Cincinnati school system. |
Luke 1:37 As we keep safety and physical distancing in mind, we will not hold a traditional Vacation Bible School this summer. But don’t be discouraged. God continues to be in our midst, and Jesus has given us a mission to complete! Gather your family, save Wednesday nights this summer, and be on the lookout for MISSION POSSIBLE. |
Wednesday Nights Summer 2020
Important Instructions for MISSION POSSIBLE WHO: HPC and Heritage Preschool members & families are called to be Secret Agents. Children must be accompanied by an adult, to help ensure physical distancing. WHAT: A weekly, intergenerational gathering, to complete a series of mission projects.
WHERE: We will complete our projects in physically distanced spaces on the outside grounds of HPC. WHY: To be in community with our neighbors, in a safe manner. To provide love, care and resources to neighbors in need. To have safe fun together, after a long season of quarantine. Your Assignment, If You Choose To Accept It
More clues are on their way in your email, FaceBook, and Heritage website |
Nurturing a new family is filled with many moments of blessing, joy, and reward, but wouldn’t it be nice to have just one afternoon a month, to not worry about diapers and feedings? Perhaps you just need a few hours each month to enjoy an adult meal and conversation? Would you like to meet the other families from Heritage that have young children?
This group meets monthly, to go out to a local restaurant for a meal and fellowship together, while the infants and young children are cared for at HPC by loving adults from the congregation. An afternoon on the town with HPC friends, knowing your babies are in capable, caring hands….how can you miss? Lunch is your own cost, but the babysitting is free. |